Driving Trollstigen with a caravan (engelsk version til vores udenlandske venner/følgere) (Reklame)

We are driving down Trollstigen, one of the most iconic roads in Norway, and we do it in our car and with our caravan. We have finally come to one of our highlights of this trip. Driving Trollstigen. The mountains soon begin to rise against us and arriving at the top of Trollstigen you know this is going to be a crazy ride. We stop at the visitor centre first to check out the road and the views before we start driving down the final part.

You need to be consentrating when driving this road, on wrong move and you fall hundreds of meeters streight down. Enjoy and hit us up with a comment to let us know what you think about the video or if you have any questions. Best, Signe & Peer (Dad and daughter) @campingferie.dk @signeneslein2666


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